Reforming of property and consecutive enterprises restructuring of the sphere of housing and communal services of Ukraine during the crisis period


  • Евгений Наумович Водовозов Kharkiv National University Radio Electronics Lensna ave., 14, Kharkiv, Ukraine, 61166, Ukraine
  • Николай Игоревич Адаменко Kharkovsky National University after V. N. Karazin Sq. Liberty, 4, Kharkov, Ukraine, 61022, Ukraine



housing and communal services, restructuring, structural links, optimizing operation, process algorithmization


The article describes the original, authors developed system basics of housing and communal services enterprises restructuring for optimizing their internal and external relations that ultimately will lead to better performance of their main task: supporting the population with all range of relevant municipal services. The article covers both theoretical reasoning and recommendations from scientific and economic point of view to ensure the proper operation of the enterprises of this sphere

Author Biographies

Евгений Наумович Водовозов, Kharkiv National University Radio Electronics Lensna ave., 14, Kharkiv, Ukraine, 61166

Kharkiv National University Radio Electronics

Lenina ave., 14, Kharkiv, Ukraine, 61166

Николай Игоревич Адаменко, Kharkovsky National University after V. N. Karazin Sq. Liberty, 4, Kharkov, Ukraine, 61022

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor

Department of Theoretical Nuclear Physics and Higher Mathematics. OI Akhiezer


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