State of health protection and self-protection: the history and nowadays


  • Оксана Михайлівна Юрченко State university «University Education Management» Artema 52-A, Kiiv, Ukraine, 04053, Ukraine



self-protection technology, historical periods, formation of healthy lifestyles, nurture of desire to be healthy


The author of the article determined the essence of the concept of "self-protection technology"; main directions of views of the human to their life and health in the context of the historical process. Relevant ideas of improvement of teachers’ work using self-protection technologies in educational space are defined. It is noted that education and health are mutually reinforcing components of successful everyday life of participants of the educational process

Author Biography

Оксана Михайлівна Юрченко, State university «University Education Management» Artema 52-A, Kiiv, Ukraine, 04053

Teacher in primary school, Higher Categories, "senior teacher"



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Pedagogical Education