Influence of the course prescription of sodium succinate on functional state and general physical working ability of footballers organism during the training sessions
sportsmen, succinate sodium, functional state, overtraining metabotropic preparations, metabolismAbstract
Pharmacological purpose of metabotropic preparations including burshtin acid and its derivative succinate sodium copes with the number of tasks the main of which is an activation of alternative ways of energoproduction at the work of submaximal and maximal force and preliminary training of the separate links of metabolism.
The task of research is to ascertain changes that take place in functional state of sportsmen during long physical loadings and optimization of the work of cardiovascular system (CVS) and prophylaxis of psychical strains with the help of succinate sodium.
Methods and organization of research. There were examined 84 sportsmen to ascertain changes that take place in the functional state of sportsmen during the long physical loadings and optimization of the work of CVS with the help of succinate sodium. Examinations took place during the training sessions (TS) in January, February and July 2012-2013 years.
Results of research and its discussion. There was studied an efficiency of the course use of succinate sodium in footballers 100 mg 3 times a day during 14 days. Energetic supply of processes of intracellular homeostasis in erythrocytes realizes by means of ATP that is created in the process of glycolysis. According to the results of research after course prescription of succinate sodium in sportsmen the content of ATP in erythrocytes increased and an amount of ADP and AMP decreased. An improvement of general metabolic situation under an influence of succinate sodium was proved by the decrease of products of reactions of peroxidation in blood plasma of footballers.
These results indicated an essential antiacidotic effect of the course use of succinate sodium by footballers after loading in anaerobic and glycolytic zone of intensity. At the same time there was ascertain in our research that the use of succinate sodium had a positive effect on the dynamics of lactate content during the processes of renewal after training in aerobic-anaerobic (85-90%intensity) and anaerobic (90-100% intensity) zones of preparation.
The results of analyses of sportsmen who took succinate sodium had essentially lower level of enzymes activity than indicators of sportsmen who did not take this preparation. Indicators of aspartate aminotransferase (AST) and alaninaminotransferata (АLТ) were lower than at the beginning of TS. The received results indicated the stabilization of membranes of the cells of liver that consequently proved hepatoprotective effect of succinate. As under an influence of succinate sodium the speed of utilization of lactate accelerates so its course prescription favors an increase of oxygen flow capacity of arterial blood and the rise of transport capacity of O2 into tissues.
The use of succinate sodium improves the work of adaptive mechanisms during the training and increases anti-stress effect. An assessment of the functional state of CVS on indicators of systolic and diastolic arterial pressure (AP syst, AP diast), pulse pressure (PP) and heart rate demonstrated that at the use of succinate sodium the aforesaid indicators of the footballers at the end of TS did not differ from the ones at the beginning of session.
According to the results of research the course use of succinate sodium led to an essential growth of general force of cardiointervals spectrum. The spectral force increased in diapasons of the high (HF) and low frequencies (LF), and an indicator LF/HF decreased (84,9 % versus 139 % indicators of footballers who did not take succinate sodium) and was even lower than at the beginning of TS. Footballers who underwent the course prescription of succinate sodium noticed: an absence of signs of overstrain or overtraining; the rise of desire to train; the rise of the level of physical and psychical capacity for work and sport effectiveness.
Conclusions. Metabotropic preparations are an important reserve for improvement the functional state of organism of sportsmen during the training in different zones of intensity. There was ascertained that course use of succinate sodium had a positive effect for metabolism, cytoarchitecture and functional abilities of erythrocytes. Normalization of indicators of the mean size of aggregate, indicator of aggregation and percent of unaggregated erythrocytes indicated an improvement of the state aggregative activity of erythrocytes, and the changes of rigidity index of erythrocytes indicated an improvement of its ability to deformation. The decrease of erythrocytes aggregation and normalization of its ability to deformation have a positive effect on rheological properties of blood and therefore lead to an improvement of blood circulation in microvessels and normalization of tissue metabolism.
High physical activity and low fatigability; normal sleep and appetite; absence of transient attacks of head ache, unmotivated changes of mood, irritation and so on indicated an improvement of the general state of sportsmen who underwent the course prescription of succinate sodium
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