Blood as integral system of an organism


  • Майя Розметовна Верголяс Institute of colloid chemistry and water chemistry named A. V. Dumansky NAS Ukraine 42 Acad. Vernadsky boul., Kyiv, Ukraine, 03680, Ukraine



hematological researches, red blood cells, elements of blood, blood system, reaction of the organism


Relevance of use of hematological blood parameters for monitoring as markers of various physiological and pathological processes is substantiated. It is shown that the blood is an important system of the body, has all the reactive characteristics of tissues, its sensitivity to pathological stimuli is very high. The reaction of the organism to the irritation of toxic or infectious nature manifests itself in the change of quantitative composition of peripheral blood cells

Author Biography

Майя Розметовна Верголяс, Institute of colloid chemistry and water chemistry named A. V. Dumansky NAS Ukraine 42 Acad. Vernadsky boul., Kyiv, Ukraine, 03680

Candidate of Biology Sciences, senior researcher, head of laboratory

Laboratory of biomarkers and bioassays


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Biological sciences