Theoretical aspects of state-public management of the general educational institution


  • Оксана Костянтинівна Михасюк Bohodukhiv gymnasium № 1 14 Karazina squ., Bohodukhiv, Ukraine, 62103, Ukraine



general educational institution, management, state-public management, state management, public management


In the article was carried out the survey of the normative and legal support of the state-public management of the general educational institution. There were analyzed the main theoretical points of the state management of education, was grounded the role of public and public self-government authorities in the general educational institution, was defined its structure and was characterized the specificity of its activity. On the base of analysis of normativity it was established that the main authority of the public self-government is a general meeting (conference) of the stuff of general educational institution. The network of the self-government authorities especially the council of general educational institution, board of guardians, parents and pupils committees, teachers methodical associations, commissions, committees and so on form according to the decision of this conference.

There were elucidated the signs and principles of realization of state-public management in educational sphere. There were separated the main grounds that define the state-public management of educational institution especially legality, publicity, cooperation and openness in making decisions, transparency in carrying out accepted decisions, voluntariness, equality, democracy. There were presented the leading scientific attainments concerning the problem of modeling the state-public management of general educational institution

Author Biography

Оксана Костянтинівна Михасюк, Bohodukhiv gymnasium № 1 14 Karazina squ., Bohodukhiv, Ukraine, 62103

School Director


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Pedagogical Education