Innovative model of sports support of the high education for students with disabilities


  • Сослан Георгиевич Адырхаев Open international university of Human Development “Ukraine’’ 23 Lvovskaya str., Kyiv, Ukraine, 03115, Ukraine



student with disabilities, nosology, physical training, sport, sports support


There was experimentally grounded the sports support of high education for students with disabilities. In experiment took part students with nosologies of: vision, hearing, locomotive system and CSIP, with somatic diseases and diabetes mellitus. The special attention was paid to organizational and methodological aspects of physical training and sports of students with different nosologies. There was proved than every student with disabilities has certain peculiarities and functional limitations that complicate the processes of education in integrated environment and socialization. For guaranteeing the equal access to education for such people it is necessary to introduce in educational process the special methods, programs, pedagogical technologies and adaptive technical means. There was demonstrated an effectiveness of the new model of physical training for students with disabilities in pedagogical process of the modern IHE

Author Biography

Сослан Георгиевич Адырхаев, Open international university of Human Development “Ukraine’’ 23 Lvovskaya str., Kyiv, Ukraine, 03115

Doctor of pedagogical sciences, assistant professor, director

Institute of social technologies


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Pedagogical Education