Formation of tolerance through the prism of «fusion of cultures» – the experience of developed countries (USA, Canada, Australia, UK, Germany)




tolerance, multiculturalism, multiethnic environment, pluralism, cultural deprivation, assimilation, identification


The article deals with demographic, socio-cultural and psychological preconditions of communicative tolerance through the prism of «fusion of culture». The essence of such concepts as «multiculturalism» «multiethnic environment», «tolerance» have been Identified. Approaches to identify and study the tolerance, ethnicity (ethnic) tolerance on the example of several countries (USA, Canada, Australia, UK, Germany) have been characterized.

The main directions of tolerance in terms of the national education system and the upbringing are presented based on international experience

Author Biography

Inna Shpylova, Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University Bulvarno-Kudryavska str., 18/2, Kyiv, Ukraine, 04053


Department of General, Age and Educational psychology


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Psychological science