Determination of nitrates toxcity using cytomorphologic parametres of various tissues of fish as a biomarker


  • Майя Розметовна Верголяс Institute of colloid chemistry and water chemistry named A. V. Dumansky NAS Ukraine 42 Acad. Vernadsky boul., Kyiv, Ukraine, 03680, Ukraine



drinking water, nitrates, genotoxicity, cytotoxicity, WBC fish blood


A biological analysis of aqueous samples containing different concentrations of nitrates is conducted. An influence of nitrates on the organism and the cells of fish is described. Data were obtained about the negative influence of maximum permissible concentration of nitrates in the water. It has been shown that the toxic effect of nitrates on an organism of fish is changing the quantitative composition of peripheral blood leukocytes, and observed the structural changes of cell nuclei in various tissues. It was found that the nitrates contained in the water samples have cyto-and genotoxic effect

Author Biography

Майя Розметовна Верголяс, Institute of colloid chemistry and water chemistry named A. V. Dumansky NAS Ukraine 42 Acad. Vernadsky boul., Kyiv, Ukraine, 03680

Candidate of Biology Sciences

senior researcher, head of laboratory


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Biological sciences