The future of insurance agent as a partner in a company’s operating activity


  • Andrzej Janowski Higher School of Personnel Management in Konin Powstańców Wielkopolskich st. 16, Konin, Poland, Poland


Mots-clés :

agent, effectiveness, human performance, human resources management, insurance company, opportunities


Every business operates in conditions of uncertainty caused by various fortuitous events. Such events derive from objectively existing dangers, i.e. risks, which cannot be avoided by companies. The risks are not only connected to business activity, but they also pose a threat to human life and health. There exists a possibility to secure oneself against financially negative outcomes of those risks by becoming insured against fortuitous events

Biographie de l'auteur-e

Andrzej Janowski, Higher School of Personnel Management in Konin Powstańców Wielkopolskich st. 16, Konin, Poland

PhD, eng.

The Headmaster of Banking and Insurance Faculty


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