Real problem-based learning: specific features of the training method for creation of modern industrial control systems (based on the experience of the european universities participating in TEMPUS MEDIS)



Mots-clés :

problem-based learning, advanced problem-based learning, real problem-based learning, iteration, Agile methodology


The main aim of the article is to cover the key approaches for improving the problem-based learning (PBL) in the context of students’ training for the design of modern industrial control systems. The study revealed the transformation of PBL into two complementary areas of training: Advanced Problem-Based Learning (APBL) and Real Problem-Based Learning (RPBL). The feature of APBL is the simultaneous study of several interconnected subjects on the base of projects implementation which requires the use of all of these subjects. RPBL complements APBL by training students the missing knowledge and skills through performing real projects for industrial enterprises. It is depicted that in-between transition from PBL to APBL and RPBL the role of teacher is changing. If in PBL the teacher supervises and controls the progress of the project implementation, then in APBL teacher plays the guide role from the formulation of the problem to its solution. In RPBL teacher partially becomes a member of the team carrying out the projects. Specific features of RPBL realization methodology are considered in terms of TEMPUS MEDIS project realization

Bibliographies de l'auteur-e

Oleg Galchonkov, Odessa National Polytechnic University 1 Shevchenko ave., Odessa, Ukraine, 65069

Candidate of technical science, associate professor

Department of Information Systems

Institute of Computer Systems

Alexander Nevrev, Odessa National Polytechnic University 1 Shevchenko ave., Odessa, Ukraine, 65069

Candidate of technical science, associate professor

Department of Information Systems

Institute of Computer Systems

Natalia Loziienko, Odessa National Polytechnic University 1 Shevchenko ave., Odessa, Ukraine, 65069

Leading Specialist

Department of Marketing and Innovation Policy


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Pedagogical Education