Impact of stepfamilies on teenagers’ motivation and needs


  • Іван Вікторович Пустовалов University of Education Management 52-a Artema str., Kyiv, Ukraine, 04053, Ukraine



needs and motivation, teenager’s personality, stepfamily, support and respect, parents


Based on the results of empirical research the author analyzes the effects of stepfamilies on teenagers’ needs and motivation. Much attention is paid to the problems faced by stepfamilies. The majority of stepfamily teenagers have been found to have a strong need for respect of the adults rather than of their peers

Author Biography

Іван Вікторович Пустовалов, University of Education Management 52-a Artema str., Kyiv, Ukraine, 04053

Рostgraduate student

Department of psychology of management

Senior lecturer, deputy director on educational work

Department of general and applied psychology



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Pedagogical Education