Lin-education in the higher technical educational institution in the conditions of transitive economy


  • Svitlana Yermakova Одесская государственная академия строительства и архитектуры ул. Дидрихсона, 4, Одесса, Украина, 65029, Ukraine


Ключевые слова:

lin-education, transitive economy, higher technical education, lin-technologies, lin-strategies, kaizen, saving production, values transformation


The problem and topicality of research is the study of transforming processes in society according to the value of educational process in the conditions of transitive economy. There were specified the strategies of introduction of the lin-education, exactly, the lin-technologies in the process of professional preparation of the future teachers of the higher technical educational institutions as some kind of investments in the theory and methodology of professional education. There was grounded the system of development of the higher education on the base of saving production. There was determined that introduction of the idea of thrift and prudence in the use of possibilities of educational process in professional preparation of the future specialists in higher technical educational institution are directed on the formation of all types of professional skills of the future specialist as the set of competences in the process of his professional preparation that is the node idea of lin-education. The study of the native labor market allows ascertain that the culture of social dialog of the higher technical education with economy needs from the higher technical educational institution the special prognostication and orientation on the European choice. There was elaborated the lin-strategy of introduction of the “knowledge economy” in the process of professional preparation of the future teachers of the higher technical institutions. The methods of research are: analysis, prognostication, diagnostics, monitoring

Биография автора

Svitlana Yermakova, Одесская государственная академия строительства и архитектуры ул. Дидрихсона, 4, Одесса, Украина, 65029

Доктор педагогических наук, профессор

Кафедра философии, политологии, психологи и права

Библиографические ссылки

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