An interrelation of physical and technical readiness as a basis in sport result achievement of 400 m hurdlers
training, physical readiness, technical readiness, model characteristics readiness of 400 m hurdlersAbstract
Purpose: to establish the relationship of physical and technical preparedness to achieve sports results of 400 m hurdlers at the stage of preliminary base preparation.
Material & Methods: study involved the first grade athletes in the amount of 18 people. Methods of research: pedagogical observation, pedagogical experiment, pedagogical testing of physical and technical readiness, telepodometry, methods of mathematical statistics.
Results: it found that the major indicators of special physical readiness in the step of preliminary base preparation are: run at 100 m. result which was 96.4% from the model; run at 200 m – 96,0% from the model; run at 400 m – 98,7% from the model; hopping run 100 m – 93,4% and jumps 20 m on one leg – 91,1% % from the model.
Conclusion: study of individual elements technique allows us to characterize not only the technique of movements, but also the level of physical qualities.
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