Model planning an individual program of physical therapy child with broncho-pulmonary disease


  • Nataliya Ivasyk


modeling, physical therapy, children with broncho-pulmonary diseases


Purpose: create a planning model individual program of physical therapy for children with broncho-pulmonary disease.

Material & Methods: general scientific – analysis, reflection and synthesis, comparison, abstraction.

Results: the model of planning of individual program of physical therapy for children with broncho-pulmonary disease consists of five interrelated functional subsystems.

Conclusion: the proposed model takes into consideration the clinical and functional survey data on which on defined the problem, aims and objectives of physical rehabilitation, according to the above it selected tools, forms and methods of influence, methods of execution and criteria dosing according to the individual opportunities of child with broncho-pulmonary diseases. This is achieved through changes in the objectives, content and structure of intervention in response to changes in patient condition.


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