Modern implementation approaches to high-trained football player selection on the basis of neurodynamic properties of the upper sections of the central nervous system


  • Volodymyr Lyzogub
  • Vitaliy Pustovalov
  • Victoriya Suprunovich
  • Sergiy Hrechuha


football, selection, effectiveness of game activity, neurodynamic, sensorimotor, genetics


Purpose: based of the characteristics of neurodynamic and sensorimotor properties, to develop a technology for the selection of football players of high qualification.

Material & Methods: neurodynamic properties of the higher sections of the central nervous system of football players-professionals were studied using a computer device called "Diagnost-1M". The functional mobility, strength and balance of nerve processes (FMNP, SNP, ВNP), as well as latent periods of simple and complex sensorimotor reactions (SVMR, CMR2–3).

Results:  according to the indices of neurodynamic properties and sensorimotor reactions of football players of high skill level, differences. Football players who had the best indicators of neural neurodynamic properties, characterized by high efficiency expert assessments game activity.

Conclusion: developed and substantiated estimates of the scale of neural properties and defined criteria for assessing the suitability of highly skilled players for selection in the club and national teams.


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