Preconditions for the physical state optimization concept formation of female students of medical higher educational institutions
preconditions, concept, optimization, technology, physical condition, fitness, female studentsAbstract
Purpose: on the basis of the analysis of the special literature to determine the preconditions for the formation of technology to optimize the physical condition of female students by means of fitness in the conditions of medical higher educational institutions.
Material & Methods: preconditions for the formation of the concept of optimizing the physical condition of female students of medical higher educational institutions are determined on the basis of theoretical analysis and generalization of literary sources and data from the Internet network.
Result: directions of formation of the concept of optimization of a physical condition of female students of medical higher educational institutions are determined on the basis of use of means of fitness.
Conclusion: indicated the need to create a technology to optimize the physical condition of female students of higher educational institutions on the basis of primary monitoring of the physical condition and the use of fitness in the process of physical education.
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