Dialectical approach for structural and functional management in the health-improving and recreational motor activity system of the population


  • Oleksandr Aghyppo
  • Galina Putiatina


system of recreational motor activity, functional management, dialectical approach


Purpose: substantiate the content of structural and functional management system of health-improving and recreational motor activity.

Material & Methods: analysis of literature sources and documents, system approach, dialectical approach, system-functional analysis, organizational analysis.

Results: the dialectic of cognition of structural and functional management system of recreational motor activity presupposes a connection between theory and practice; the principles of cognition of the real world, the determinism of phenomena, the interaction of external and internal, objective and subjective.

Conclusion: achievement of the main goal of recreational motor activity system of the population at the state and regional levels is provided by the solution of a complex of tasks.


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