Author's rogram from combined shaping as a means of improving the physical preparedness of female students


  • Anastasiia Demchenko


physical education, physical preparedness, program, students, combined shaping


Purpose: to improve the level of physical preparedness of female students aged 17–20 by means of combined shaping.

Material & Methods: the following research methods were used: analysis and generalization of literary sources, pedagogical experiment, pedagogical testing, methods of mathematical statistics. The experiment involved 30 female students aged 17–20 years of non-special faculties of the Central State Pedagogical University named after Vladimir Vinnichenko.

Results: the author's program of sectional sessions on combined shaping for students of 17–20 years is developed. The positive effect of combined shaping on the physical fitness of female students has been revealed.

Conclusions: the program of sectional sessions on combined shaping on the dynamics of the basic indicators of the physical readiness of female students.


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