Impact of physical education and recreational activities with elements of roller skating on the morphofunctional state of schoolchildren in grades 5–6
fitness and fitness classes, roller skating, schoolchildren of 5–6 gradesAbstract
Purpose: to determine the impact of fitness classes with the priority use of roller skating on the morphofunctional state and physical fitness of schoolchildren in grades 5–6.
Material & Methods: 194 children of 10–12 years old took part in the experiment, 90 of them were boys and 104 girls. The study was conducted on the basis of school number 269, Kiev with in-depth study of the French language. In the process of research, the following methods were applied: pedagogical (pedagogical experiment and observation); anthropometric; physiological (pulsometry, spirometry, functional tests) methods of mathematical statistics.
Results: study shows that among pupils in grades 5–6, physical culture and fitness classes with priority use of roller skating means because positive changes in the morphofunctional state and physical fitness. Significant improvements were found after 9 months of regular classes.
Conclusion: fitness classes with the priority use of roller skating means have a positive effect on the morphofunctional state and physical fitness of schoolchildren in grades 5–6. It was revealed that the indicators of the functional state (in particular, the cardiovascular and respiratory systems), physical fitness of schoolchildre compared with the initial data are significantly higher (P(t)<0,01; P(t)<0,001).
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