Application and influence of the complex program of physical therapy on the state of the cardiovascular and autonomic nervous system of young women, patients with alimentary obesity
obesity, physical therapy program, cardiovascular system, autonomic nervous system, examination of patientsAbstract
Purpose: to investigate the dynamics of the types of reaction of the cardiovascular system to the dosed physical load using the Martine-Kushelevsky test and determine the functional state of the autonomic nervous system (ANS) using the Kerdo index of young women suffering from alimentary obesity under the influence of the developed comprehensive physical therapy program.
Material & Methods: study was based on the clinical and functional examination of 50 women aged from 18 to 30 years old, patients with alimentary obesity I–II degree.
Results: conducted and analyzed the state of the cardiovascular system on the dosed exercise with the help of the Martine-Kushelevsky and vegetative nervous system tests according to the Kerdo index.
Conclusion: use of a physical therapy program, which includes a low-calorie diet, massage, therapeutic gymnastics with elements of sports-oriented aerobics, dosed walking in combination with breathing exercises taking into account the activity of the ANS, helps to normalize the functional state of the cardiovascular and autonomic nervous system.
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