Legal regulation of physical culture and sports activities in Ukraine
legal system, legal regulation, state authorities, law, decree, orderAbstract
Purpose: analyze the characteristics of the functioning of the existing system of legal regulation of physical culture and sports activities in Ukraine.
Material & Methods: literature review; analysis of documentary materials; system method, formal legal method.
Results: analysis of documents of state bodies shows that simultaneously issued acts contradicting each other. This indicates the absence of structure, synchronizes functions in the organism of the state, and provides communication between all parts of the state structure. In turn, on the part of the legislators, there is an imperative reflection of their imagination in opposition to the actual social conditionality.
Conclusion: in the system of organization of the management process, in particular, the peculiarities of the legal regulation of physical culture and sports activities in Ukraine, there is completely no consideration of the main provisions of the organization of legal activities; the management process is not regarded as an action, proceeds at a certain speed, regulated by the course of social transformations in society; the statistical determination of the occurrence of these processes in obtaining an equifinal result and the tolerance of the event space in which this process is carried out is not taken into account; there is no understanding of the theory of the dynamics of legal regulation of administrative management in the context of reforming social and political transformations.
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