Level of development of motor qualities of children of senior preschool age
physical qualities, preschool children, physical educationAbstract
Purpose: determine the level of development of individual motor skills in children 5–6 years.
Material & Methods: study involved 52 pupils of a pre-school institution of 5–6 years old. Such research methods were used as theoretical analysis and synthesis of scientific and methodical literature, pedagogical testing and methods of mathematical statistics.
Results: presents a comparison of motor performance indicators in the age, sex aspects and with the corresponding rating scale.
Conclusion: in the sexual aspect, it was found that the boys show better results than the girls, with the exception of forward torsion from the sitting position and flexion of the foot, where the results are better for girls; Analyzing the level of development of individual physical qualities relative to age, it should be noted that the results of children improve with age; comparing the results with the standards, showed that the indicators correspond to the "average" level.
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