Changes in the level of technical-tactical readiness indicators of tennis players at the stage of preliminary basic training


  • Oleg Shevchenko


tennis players, technical and tactical readiness, indicators


Purpose: investigate changes in the level of technical-tactical readiness indicators of tennis players at the stage of preliminary basic preparation of the preparatory period of the macrocycle.

Material & Methods: the study involved 8 tennis players aged 11–13 years who were training in the basic training group of the Park Tennis Club in Kharkiv. The following methods were used: analysis of scientific and methodological literature, pedagogical testing, methods of mathematical statistics.

Results: reliable changes in the indicators of the level of technical-tactical readiness in the exercises “shot through the net” by 19,6% were obtained; "shot from rebound through the net" by 2,2%; "shot after the ball bounces off the wall" by 10,4%; "serve through the net to the target" by 1,8%.

Conclusion: young tennis players of the basic training group improved the level of technical-tactical readiness indicators in the preparatory period of the macrocycle in the execution of an accurate directional serve, active and stable back line shot and one timer shot at the net.


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