Normative legal regulation of physical education of preschool children
physical education, schoolchildren, children of school age, physical activity, organization, management, regulatory frameworkAbstract
Purpose: analysis and generalization of the legal regulation of the physical education of children in school and out-of-school time.
Material & Methods: in the course of the study, methods of analysis of literary sources and documents, induction and deduction, analysis and synthesis were used, which made it possible to determine the legal support of the system of physical education of schoolchildren in the classroom and after school hours, as well as its current state.
Results: in the process of analysis it was found that all components of school and out-of-school physical education of schoolchildren are regulated at the legislative level. However, the main burden on the formation of the physical culture of the person is assigned by the state to the lesson form of employment. At the same time, based on the research materials of many scientists, it can be argued that it is almost impossible to form a physical culture of a person through only lessons.
Conclusions: obtained results in the course of the study showed that the methodology for assessing the indicators of the formation of the physical culture of the personality of schoolchildren has not been developed at the legislative level and, accordingly, has not been established, which makes it impossible to effectively monitor the implementation of the goals.
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