Performance indicators of the technical and tactical actions of young football players of 13–14 years of various game roles


  • Yaroslav Kraynik
  • Vyacheslav Mulik
  • Serhii Lebediev


quality of performance, technical and tactical actions, young football players, competitive activity


Purpose: to determine the quality of the indicators of technical and tactical actions of young football players 13–14 years of different playing roles during the competitive activity.

Material & Methods: the study was conducted during a football competition. The study involved 11 football players 13–14 years of the football team Arsenal. The quality of the performance of technical and tactical actions was analyzed during 10 games in the championship competitions of the city of Kharkov in football. The analysis of literary sources, pedagogical observation and methods of mathematical statistics were used.

Results: the performance indicators for the technical and tactical actions of young football players 13–14 years during 10 games depending on the game role were determined.

Conclusions: the conducted studies show that the quality of the performance of technical and tactical actions among young football players 13–14 years old is not the same for players of different game roles. The results obtained indicate the need to determine model characteristics for players of each game role, compare them with existing ones, and develop special exercises to eliminate differences between them.


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