Comparative analysis of the health status of students of II and IV courses during their studies at universities


  • Anatoliy Seymuk
  • Alexander Nesterenko
  • Artur Nesterenko


state of health, physical education, training, fatigue, working capacity


Purpose: to study the health status of students during their studies at universities.

Material & Methods: 141 students of the Faculty of Economics (age 18–23 years) of a technical university took part in the study. The survey was carried out on each year of study from 1 to 5 courses using methods: study management problems; traditional methods; a complex of pedagogical, sociological, psychological, psychophysiological and medical-functional methods; methods of mathematical statistics.

Results: research materials revealed factors negatively affecting the health status of students. A comparative analysis of the results of the study of students of II and IV courses revealed a deterioration in the health status of students in 4 year.

Conclusions: the abolition of physical education classes for fourth-year students, a high level of neuro-emotional tension during the session, a significant decrease in physical activity and other stress factors negatively affect the health status of students and require the restoration of physical education classes in senior courses.


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