Prediction of prospects in dance and gymnastic sports based on the method of assessing the structure of an individual somatotype


  • Valeriy Druz
  • Yaroslava Volkova
  • Oleksii Huliaiev


somatotype, body structure, code, sports dancing, natural experiment


Purpose: to determine the relationship between the motor, trophic and mental qualities of an athlete in accordance with the constitution of his somatotype in order to establish at an early stage of the morphofunctional development of objective, phylogenetically determined signs of motor talent for sports dancing.

Material & Methods: the work was carried out on the basis of the "Ideal" sports club. The study involved dancers in the amount of 20 athletes involved in sports dancing at the initial training stage. In solving the tasks, the following methods were used: analysis and synthesis of scientific and methodological literature; generalization of the practical experience of the coaching contingent working with children in sports dance groups; a modified method of clinical anthropometry M. Ya. Breitman; natural pedagogical experiment, methods of mathematical statistics and mathematical modeling.

Results: the significance of competitive interdependent relationships of the constitutional structure of the somatotype in the distribution of universal tissue - body weight was established. The groups of the smallest parts of the body, the average sizes and the longest parts of the body are distinguished, and results are obtained on the frequency of occurring locations of each indicator. Compiled a universal code of the Collective somatotype.

Conclusions: the use of the modified method of M. Ya. Breitman allows not only to determine the unified somatotype code, but also to reveal the patterns of motor and trophic qualities most pronounced for certain somatotypes.


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