physical training, hurdles, special physical fitness.Abstract
Purpose: to determine the development of the overall preparedness of young athletes aged 12-13 years engaged in barrier sprint running.Material and methods: the reseach involved 30 athletes (14 girls and 16 boys) aged 12-13 years engaged in Children and Youth Sports Schools of Kharkiv region. In the process of the pedagogical experiment the following methods were used: analysis of scientific-methodical literature, pedagogical testing; pedagogical observations of training activities for young runners, specializing in the hurdles at short distance, pedagogical experiment, and mathematical statistics.
Results: it was revealed that the average values of physical fitness indicators among girls and boys correspond to the standards of the educational-training group of initial basic training according to the results of testing the physical fitness of hurdler for short distances. The experimental group worked on this program where were included some speed and speed-power exercises in the training sessions. The growth rates of the indices of special physical fitness in girls and boys is shown in the table 2 and 3, the analysis of which allows detecting positive changes of indices of physical preparedness of hurdlers for short distances during the experiment.
Conclusions: the data of scientific-methodical literature on physical training of hurdler-runners on short distances are analyzed and summarized. The level of general physical fitness of young athletes at the age of 12-13 years old, engaged in hurdles running for short distances, was determined and assessed. The influence of the means of speed-power orientation on special physical fitness of hurdler-runners for short distances has been experimentally confirmed.
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