jiu-jitsu, young athletes, physical preparedness, athletes with hearing impairments.Abstract
Purpose: to determine the changes in the level of physical fitness of athletes 10-11 years old with hearing impairment under the influence of ju-jitsu classes.Material and methods: 12 young athletes with hearing impairments (10-11 years old) - representatives of the Poltava Regional Center for Physical Culture and Sports of Disabled People "Invasport" of the Poltava Regional Council took part in the study. The research was carried out on the basis of the sports hall of the Poltava Training Center from September 2019 to February 2020. To solve the set research tasks, the following complex of methods was used: analysis of scientific and methodological literature; pedagogical observation; pedagogical testing; methods of mathematical statistics. Determination of changes in the level of physical fitness of young athletes with hearing impairments, engaged in ju-jitsu, during the experiment, was carried out using a block of control tests.
Results: using a comparative analysis of the average test indicators, a statistically significant increase in the results was revealed: speed-strength qualities ("Standing long jump", (t = 7.24) strength qualities ("Push ups"; t = 7.19, "Pulling up "; t = 5.93) speed ("30 m run"; t = 6.63) agility and coordination abilities ("Shuttle run 4x9 m"; t = 6.46) flexibility ("Tilt of the trunk forward from a sitting position"; t = 5.00).
Conclusions: the construction of the training sessions taking into account the specific characteristics of athletes with hearing impairment, namely the use of acrobatic exercises in the preparatory part of classes and the use of special means for correcting body functions, correcting and developing coordination abilities; balance function correction; correction of vestibular function, contributed to the creation of conditions for improving the physical fitness of children 10-11 years old, engaged in ju-jitsu.
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