

flexibility development, gymnastics, 8-9 years old female gymnasts, testing.



Purpose: to substantiate the effectiveness of the use of author's methodology of flexibility development of 8-9 years old athletes, engaged in artistic gymnastics.

Material and methods: the research was carried out during the year with a group of athletes (12 female gymnasts) engaged in gymnastics at the Sports School of high sportsmanship in Kharkov. The pedagogical experiment was organized with the aim of improving the content of the educational and training process in artistic gymnastics. The methodology developed in the course of the research consisted of appropriately selected means and methods aimed at ensuring a gradual and systematic increase in the level of flexibility development among young female gymnasts. After the initial testing of the level of flexibility development in the training process of the female gymnasts of the research group, a specially developed author's methodology was additionally included, which was used in the main part of the training session (10-12 minutes). To identify the effectiveness of the author's methodology, analysis and generalization of literary sources, pedagogical observation, testing, pedagogical experiment, methods of mathematical statistics were used.

Results: according to the results of the experiment, an improvement was revealed in almost all the studied indicators, namely, the results of the split on the left leg (45%) and gymnastic exercises in cities (20%) significantly improved.

Conclusions: the obtained results of the study showed the effectiveness of using the proposed methodology of flexibility development of female gymnasts of 8-9 years old (the difference between the average group results shown by female gymnasts in most of the test tasks is statistically significant).


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