

military aviation pentathlon, physiometric parameters, functional state, circuit training, crossfit.


Purpose: to analyze the initial indicators characterizing the level of development of physiometric parameters among first-year cadets of a higher educational institution, who are the applicants for the national team in international military aviation pentathlon.

Material and methods: analysis of literary sources, testing, statistical analysis. The reseach  was involved 48 first-year cadets of the Kharkiv National University of the Air Force named after Ivan Kozhedub (men) aged 17-18, of whom 38 Candidates in Master of Sports and 10 Masters of Sports.

Results: taking into account the initial data on the distribution of male cadets of the first course of KhNUPS by types of sports, the indicators of the proportionality coefficient and the strength of the physique were determined in order to prevent the influence of any random parameters on the final results of the reseach. To solve the goals and objectives of the research, we have selected and systematized tests to assess the functional state of the cardiovascular system. The data on the indicator of physical performance according to the PWC170 test were determined and analyzed. The analysis of the results in the form of a verbal description, tables, an analytical description of the obtained patterns is carried out.

Conclusions: it was determined that the training of athletes in military aviation pentathlon in the future requires the development of a universal complex of physical exercises, the implementation of which does not require special equipment, it is understandable, and meets the requirements of training. The importance of assessing the functional state of the cardiovascular system in the process of selecting athletes for the national team in international military aviation pentathlon and for determining the algorithm for further training has been determined. It has been established that the training for a long time in one or another (game, cyclic, complex coordination, martial arts) kind of sport before being included in the national team in the military aviation pentathlon makes it necessary to develop a universal complex of physical training and the method of circular training (crossfit) is such that most consistent with the requirements of a universal complex of physical exercises to prepare for competitions in UPA.


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