Purpose: to determine the main elements of cycling technique and establish their relationship with the motor qualities of primary school children.
Material and methods: the study involved 60 children of primary school age (6-7 years old), studying in secondary schools in Kharkov. The study used: pedagogical observations, expert assessment, testing. During the academic year, the dynamics of the level of development of the motor qualities of children of 6-7 years old was determined, and at the end of the school year, the correlation between the use of the basic elements of cycling techniques and the level of development of the motor qualities of children of 6-7 years old was established.
Results: the main elements of cycling technique were analyzed and a list of mistakes that were encountered during training was established. Correlation analysis of the influence of individual motor qualities on the implementation of various elements of cycling technique was carried out. So, the technique of landing on a bicycle is the main element of the primary assimilation and requires, first of all, the manifestation of static balance. The pedaling technique and acceleration are associated with the manifestation of agility and speed-strength qualities. The braking technique is associated, first of all, with the manifestation of hand strength and was determined by wrist dynamometry. More complex elements of technology associated with cornering and turning and overcoming obstacles require, first of all, speed-strength qualities and dynamic balance.
Conclusions: the conducted studies allowed to determine the motor qualities, which are necessary for the fulfillment of the elements of the landing technique, pedaling, braking, acceleration, turning and turning and overcoming obstacles, and their correlation with control motor exercises was established.
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