

Purpose: to establish the relationship between the structural components of the competition program with the indicators of special physical fitness in athletes "main class contact style" in acrobatic rock and roll.

Materials and methods: the study involved 16 qualified athletes aged14-17 years, 8 men and 8 women (8 sports couples). Research methods: analysis and generalization of data of scientific and methodical literature, pedagogical observation, pedagogical testing and methods of mathematical statistics.

Results: competitive programs and indicators of the level of special physical fitness of qualified athletes are studied. Reliable connections between the components of the competition program and indicators of special physical fitness have been identified and established. It is experimentally proved and mathematically confirmed that the developed and tested tests are the most informative for determining the readiness for competitive activities of qualified athletes and are objective criteria for selection and orientation of athletes in the system of training and competitive activities in acrobatic rock and roll.

Conclusions: the obtained data systematize the means of special physical training of athletes and give the opportunity to plan the algorithm of correction and improvementof competitive programs of qualified athletes "main class contact style". Used by coaches of sports clubs to assess the state of fitness of athletes and improve the competitive programs of sports couples of the category "main class contact style" in acrobatic rock and roll.

Keywords: acrobatic rock and roll, "main class contact style", qualified athletes, structural components of the competitive program, special physical training, correlation analysis.


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