Purpose: to determine the performance of ball passing in football teams of different qualifications.
Material and methods: the registration of ball passes was carried out on the example of the best teams of the Premier League: Dynamo Kiev, Shakhtar Donetsk, ZoryaLugansk and the leaders of the First League of Ukraine: VeresRivne, Chornomorets Odessa, Metalist 1925 Kharkiv season 2020/2021. A total of 90 football matches were recorded. To solve the set tasks, the following research methods were used in the work: analysis of scientific and methodological literature, registration of ball passes during the game, methods of mathematical statistics.
Results: the article presents data on the performance of ball passes by the best teams of the Premier and the first Ukrainian football league. The analysis of the effectiveness of the total number of ball passes, forward passes, long passes, passes to the last third of the field, cut passes, and the pace of play of each of the teams was determined.The differences in the use of ball passes by the best teams of the Premier League: Dynamo Kiev, Shakhtar Donetsk, Zorya Lugansk and the leaders of the First League of Ukraine: Veres Rivne, Chornomorets Odessa, Metalist 1925 Kharkiv season 2020/2021.
Conclusions: research data indicate the differences in the use of ball passes by teams of different qualifications of Ukraine on football of the 2020/2021 season. Thus, it is noted that teams of a higher level have better indicators of the total number of passes and ball passes, and the number of long passes is much lower.
Keywords: passing the ball, tactics, efficiency, pace of the game.
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