

Purpose: to study the influence of methods of formation of swimming technique among 7–8 year old swimmers and the influence of their individual characteristics of the nervous system on the effectiveness of mastering physical exercises.

Material and methods: The study was conducted over three months with young swimmers (n = 141) who studied sports swimming techniques. They were preliminarily examined for the strength of the nervous system for excitation by three methods: physical activity – the slope type of the curve, tapping test, noise immunity.

Results: the influence of various methods of initial teaching in swimming on the success of the formation of motor skills in children of 7–8 years old with different strength of the nervous system relative to excitement was studied. The reproductive method, problem learning and their combinations were used. The children were divided according to the strength of the nervous system into groups: "strong", "average" and "weak".

Conclusions: according to the research results, it turned out that the most successful exercise training was when using the reproductive method in the first 2–3 lessons, followed by the use of problem learning. In relation to children with different strengths of the nervous system, then, according to the conclusions of many researchers, the average type in number exceeds other types combined and therefore one should focus on them. The training described above turned out to be the most effective for children with an average nervous system.

Keywords: strength of the nervous system, teaching methods, swimming


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