Purpose: determine the impact of middle mountains training on the visual acuity and the level of preparadness of highly qualified visually impaired sprinters.
Material and methods: we studied the indicators of the level of preparadness and visual acuity of the Honored Master of Sports of Ukraine in para-athletics among athletes with visual impairmants in the middle mountains. The following methods were used: analysis and generalization of scientific and methodological literature, analysis of training loads and processing of parameters of training activity, pedagogical observation, pedagogical experiment (auto experiment), visometry, methods of mathematical statistics.
Results: middle mountains training led to positive changes in the indicators of the functional state of the visual analyzer and the level of preparadness of athlete.
Conclusions: the use of preparation of highly qualified visually impaired sprinter in middle mountains training positively influenced the development of the level of special preparadness and the visual acuity.
Keywords: middle mountains, special preparadness, visual acuity, visually impaired.
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