Modern going near setting of medical physical culture taking into account etiology, type, form, degree and clinical displays of scoliotic illness for children



scoliosis, facilities, forms and methods of medical physical culture, correcting exercises


Authors in the article are consider the basic going near setting of medical physical culture at scoliostic illness of І–ІІ degree for children taking into account a type, form, etiology, degree and clinical displays. Purpose: to describe the modern going near setting of medical physical culture taking into account etiology, type, form, degree and clinical displays of scoliostic illness for children. Material and Methods: analysis of the modern special literature on issue of physical rehabilitation of children at scoliostic illness; analysis of medical cards. Results: description of scoliosis is given on an etiologic sign, form, type, degrees and clinical displays. The features of methods of medical physical culture are presented taking into account the afore-named signs of scoliotic illness. Conclusions: setting of facilities and forms of medical physical culture at scoliotic illness depends on etiology, form and type of scoliosis, degree and clinical displays of disease.


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