Features of 30–40 years old tourists-skiers’ technical training in spring and autumn



ski trip, technique, simulation exercises, roller skis, ski hiking


Purpose: compare the test results of the level of tourists’ technical readiness of 30–40 years old skiers at various stages of preparation. Determine the effectiveness of developed programs to improve the technical readiness of 30–40 years old tourists-skiers. Material and Methods: 14 people aged 30 to 40 years old who have a different experience in water, hiking and mountain as well as ski-sport hiking took part in research. Analysis of scientific and methodical literature, pedagogical observations, pedagogical experiment, methods of mathematical statistics is used. Results: the test results of 30–40 years old tourists skiers which are the participants in the experimental group received at different stages of preparation and preparatory period and the results after passing ski sports hiking of the third category of complexity are processed. Their comparative analysis is held. Conclusions: It was found that the developed training program can effectively influence the increase of the level of tourists’ and skiers’ technical skills and preparedness


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