Comparative analysis of efficiency of competition activity of men’s and woman’s basket-ball teems of high qualification



competition activity, technique-tactical actions, different playing positions, coefficient of efficiency, model characteristic


Purpose: to expose the specific lines of competition activity and define differences in realization of technique-tactical actions the basketball-players of high class ho playing in woman’s and men’s national teems. Material and Methods: for determination of characteristic features of competition activity of men’s and women’s, there was the analyzed information of competition activity of national teems, taking part in the matches of world cup 2014 years on basket-ball. Information of 24 men’s (240 athletes) and 16 (150 athletes) woman’s basket-ball teems were in general complication analyzed. Methods: analysis of data of the special scientific-methodical literature, pedagogical supervision, analysis of competition activity, an analysis of data is the Internet, methods of mathematical statistics. Results: It is set that on the row of technique-tactical actions (assists, steals of ball, rebounders in defense, turnovers, block-shots) men’s and woman’s national teems did not have reliable differences statistically. The conducted analysis show that men’s teems are in a match, do considerably less of throws from near and middle distance, however do much more throws amount of long distant at more high percent of their realization. Conclusions: in the actions of men’s teems, a greater accent is traced on the attack of basket from long distances. Men’s of all playing positions, have more high percent of realization of near throws in a match. Reliable distinctions on implementation of assists, steals, block-shots, between men’s and woman’s commands did not exposed


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