The study of informational content of special physical and technical parameters of preparedness of qualified athletes



informational content, reliability, management, parameters, training


This author is analyzing the informational content, which characterize the special physical and technical preparedness of qualified high-jumpers with a running start. Purpose: to study the most informative parameters of special physical and technical preparedness of qualified high-jumpers with a running start and to determine their correlation with the sports result. Material and Methods: analysis and generalization of scientific literature, pedagogical observation (interview, survey), factor analysis and correlation analysis. 27 leading trainers of Ukraine took part in the research. Results: it has been estimated that 35% of trainers consider inexpedient to use current parameters on special physical and technical preparedness of high-jumpers with a running start due to the low level of informational content of the obtained data and doubtful correlation with the sports result. Conclusions: The selected the tests of special physical and technical preparedness, which are necessary to further develop the methodology of forecasting the effectiveness of high-jumpers


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