Control of the parameters of attention in basketball at the stage of preliminary basic preparation


  • Olena Mitova
  • Oksana Ivchenko


young players, the stage of preliminary basic preparation, the control parameters of attention, technical and tactical actions


Purpose: to determine the parameters of attention of basketball players aged 13–14 years old before and after the exercises of various kinds. Material and Methods: the study involved 3 teams of basketball players aged 13–14 years old from training groups. The total number of investigated people is 50. The study was carried out on the basis of Sports Children and Youth Olympic school № 5 in Dnepropetrovsk. We used the methods of theoretical analysis and synthesis of the literature, the method of analysis of documentary materials, pedagogical supervision, psychological testing, pulsometry, methods of mathematical statistics.The following techniques were used to determine the parameters of attention: «Mixed up line», proofreading test with Landoldt rings, proofreading test with letters. Results: during our research there was defined the predominantly low level of attention of basketball players at the stage of preliminary basic preparation. It was found out the specific nature of the load influences the decrease of the parameters in a greater degree, especially concentration, switching, and stability decline, the number of errors increases. Conclusions: on the basis of studies arises the necessity to improve monitoring systems in the Sports Children and Youth schools with usage of tests to determine the components of psychological readiness


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