Plan physical activities for spring men based on their physical condition
vigorous physical activity, physical condition, planning of physical activity, IPAQAbstract
Purpose: to find the features of physical condition of men before their vigorous physical activity sessions in the winter season, and test their effectiveness.
Material & Methods: investigated body mass index, physical condition of method by Baevsky in men 35–48 years leading a healthy lifestyle. Research conducted morning and evening every day. Results were compared: the day before, the day of vigorous physical activity, and with average per month. Physical activity was studied by the IPAQ method.
Results: found significant (p<0,05) differences in the physical condition of men before and the day of physical activity of high intensity. Marked changes were: body weight, the heart rate, the adaptive capacity by Baevsky. The most significant figure identified as a marker. To test its effectiveness was offer to men plan individual vigorous physical activity under this marker. The result was significant (p<0,05) increase the number and duration of vigorous physical activity, better physical condition to 10,73%.
Conclusions: the physical condition of age men plays an important role in planning their vigorous physical activity. Comparative deconditioning from the previous day for the test Baevsky 3,09%, can be used for operational planning of physical activity of high intensity on that day.
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