Physical state of middle-aged women with consideration of experience training of aerobic orientation


  • Alexander Romanchuk K. D. Ushinsky South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University: str. Storoportofrankivska 26, 65020, Odessa, Ukraine.,
  • Evdokiya Dolgier K. D. Ushinsky South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University: str. Storoportofrankivska 26, 65020, Odessa, Ukraine.,


physical state, women, middle-aged, aerobic exercises


Purpose: to study the physical state of middle-aged women with long-term experience of regular training of aerobic orientation.

Material & Methods: in the work presented results of the study of 2 experimental groups with experience training of aerobic orientation from 3 to 5 years and more than 10 years. The features of physical state were certain.

Results: it is set: women with experience of training more than 10 years had significantly lower body weight and body fat percentage, the best power indicators and tolerance to physical activities, higher aerobic possibilities in the absence of significant differences in the indicators of the respiratory system.

Conclusions: the results showed a positive effect on the physical state of middle-aged women with long-term training of aerobic orientation.


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