Peculiarities of morphological indexes of the pushers of the nucleus at the stage of specialized basic preparation


  • Vladyslav Rozhkov Kharkiv State Academy of Physical Culture, Kharkiv, Ukraine,


morphological indexes, stage of specialized basic preparation, shot putters


Purpose: explore peculiarities morphological indexes of the pushers of the nucleus at the stage of specialized basic preparation.

Material & Methods: the study was attended by 12 core pushers 1517 years who were at the stage of specialized basic training. We used the following methods: analysis and synthesis of scientific and technical literature, the definition of anthropometric indicators index method.

Results: presented morphological indexes of the pushers of the nucleus at the stage of specialized basic preparation.

Conclusions: the figures obtained showed that at the stage of specialized basic preparation the somatotype of shot-putters corresponds the somatotype of the highly qualified shot-putters.


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