Influence of training loads on psychophysiological indicators of handball players in different phases of the menstrual cycle


  • Igor Dyadechko Zaporizhzhya National University, Zaporizhzhya, Ukraine,


handball players, phases of menstrual cycle, psychophysiological condition, efficiency of game actions


Purpose: to carry out the analysis of results of the research of influence of training loads on psychophysiological indicators of handball players to different phases of the menstrual cycle.

Material & Methods: the researches were conducted on the basis of the Zaporizhia handball women's teams of superleague (16 women of 16–19 years old); research methods: analysis of references, questioning, psychophysiological methods of the research, integrated assessment of functional state and methods of mathematical statistics.

Results: results of own researches of functional and mental states, and also changes of effectiveness ratio of game actions at handball players of high qualification are presented to different phases of the menstrual cycle.

Conclusions: the received results demonstrate that the best conditions for manifestation of functionality of organism of the studied sportswomen are the post-ovulatory phase of the menstrual cycle. The next period, in which handball players can carry out exercise stresses of a little smaller power, is the post-menstrual phase.


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