Improvement of technique of a jerk of the qualified sportswomen in weightlifting
technical preparedness, weightlifting, modeling, jerk, female weight-lifterAbstract
Purpose: the improvement of technical preparedness of the qualified female weight-lifters taking into account the group model characteristics of technique of a jerk.
Material & Methods: analysis and synthesis of data of scientific and methodical literature, pedagogical experiment, method of mathematical statistics.
Results: the revealed shortcomings of technique of the execution of a jerk of the qualified female weight-lifters were, considering the group model characteristics of technique of a jerk of the first group of weight categories. Complexes of compensatory exercises were offered for the purpose of correction.
Conclusions: the performance of complexes of the compensatory exercises, which are directed to the improvement of competitive exercise of a jerk of bar, allowed to increase the number of successfully executed raising of bar, for 10,3–19,8%, according to initial indicators of number of rises, and also to receive positive shifts in motive structure of a jerk of bar.
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