Communicative competence of sport volunteers


  • Iryna Petrenko Kharkiv State Academy of Physical Culture, Kharkiv, Ukraine,
  • Helen Gant Kharkiv State Academy of Physical Culture, Kharkiv, Ukraine,
  • Anastasia Bondar Kharkiv State Academy of Physical Culture, Kharkiv, Ukraine,


communicative competence, sport volunteer, need for communication, communicative control, Machiavellianism


Purpose: to investigate the level of communicative competence of sport volunteers.

Material & Methods: students of Kharkov state academy of physical culture (2–4 courses) who are engaged in sports volunteering. The theoretic-methodological analysis of problem is carried out; the technique "Need for communication and achievements", "Self-checking assessment in communication", "Machiavellianism level" is used for studying of indicators of self-assessment.

Results: the high level of communicative competence on three indicators is revealed at sport volunteers: need for communication (60,71%), communicative control (57%), Machiavellianism (91%) that gives them the chance to come into contacts with people around quickly, to correlate the reactions to behavior of surrounding people and to operate the emotions, at the same time they are inclined to manipulations and demonstration of the strengths at communication with people.

Conclusions: the purposeful psychology and pedagogical preparation, which program has to include the communicative block and the block of personal development, is necessary for sport volunteers. 


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