Legal types and mechanisms of defending customers rights in the eu




protection of consumer rights, mechanisms of protection of consumer rights, EU law


Existence of a paradigm of the consumer society causes in modern world causes no doubts. Consumering is a process which includes a choice of goods or services, keeping their maintenance and repairs, managing them.

Ukraine has adopted the Civil Code which in fact is the act of the European Private Law, therefore the private rights protection is now in place. Articles 282, 708, 709 of the Civil Code of Ukraine guarantee proection of rights of a person as of a customer. The Law of Ukraine "On Protecting the Customers Rights" - partly harmonised with the EU Law - has provisions developed in line with the EU standards on customers rights protection. It is necessary to follow further developments in this area in the EU and to make sure they are applied to the Ukrainian context. Therefore a study of the types and forms of protection of the customers rights in the EU as well as of the mechanisms of possible application and the sources of law is of considerable importance. Of particular interest are the aspects of the rights of customers who make e-agreements taking the offers of the online shops, which are being regularly updated in the EU. Ukraine's legislation has to ensure similar provisions so that the rights of customers are guaranteed and spesific features of these agreements are taken into consideration. It should also be noted in this regard that there's a considerable number of EU Directives which deal with the protection of a customer in the area of information advertising, tourism services, information technologies at large. A wide range of issues and relevant EU legislation have therefore to be approximated and regulated in the Ukrainian law. Research on this topic is also part of the tasks that Ukraine has to fulfil under its obligations on the protection of the customers' rights within the EU-Ukraine Association Agreement

Author Biographies

Mykhailo Mykievych, Lviv National Ivan Franko University

Doctor of Law, Professor, Head of Department, Department of European Law

Iryna Yavorska, Львівський національний університет імені І. Франка

Кандидат юридичних наук, доцент, кафедра європейського права


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How to Cite

Mykievych, M., & Yavorska, I. (2017). Legal types and mechanisms of defending customers rights in the eu. ScienceRise: Juridical Science, (1 (1), 42–46.



Juridical Science