Place of workplace law in the national legal system


  • Dmyto Pryputen Dnipropetrovsk State University of Internal Affairs Gagarina ave., 26, Dnipro, Ukraine, 49005, Ukraine



service law, system, public law, private law, protection law, regulatory law, substantive law, procedural law


The article proposes a system of law to be regarded as a set of elements of law that complement each other, interact and form a unity with a number of specific features. The author argues that in the system of law the emphasis is on the structure of law, the separation among its elements of the branch of sub branch, institutions, norms of law, and in the legal system, although the law is the main element, but not a single element, it is precisely because of this, to find out the phenomenon of service the right to determine its role in the legal system. The article proposes in the aspect of the field of structural law of the law to consider it as a set of branches, sub-sectors, institutes and norms of law. The author analyzes scientific approaches to the understanding of the service law as an industry, sub branch, institute of administrative law, distinguishes the features of the service law and proves that it has signs in the subregion of administrative law. It is proposed to consider the system of law in the aspect of the division of the right to public and private, material and procedural, regulatory and security, and analyze their definitions, characteristics, specifics of each of them. On the basis of a detailed analysis of the above-mentioned provisions, the author proposes to consider the place of service law in the system of law in terms of its division into public and private as a sub-area of public law. In clarifying the place of service law in the system of law in the division of material and procedural, the author notes that the employment law combines material and procedural norms and acts in material and procedural law. In the context of the division of the right to a law, the regulator and guardian of the author notes that the service law combines norms and regulatory and security, which is why it is regulative-security, however, the regulatory element is still dominant. The author notes that only in the complex should consider all these issues to clarify the place of employment law in the system of national law

Author Biography

Dmyto Pryputen, Dnipropetrovsk State University of Internal Affairs Gagarina ave., 26, Dnipro, Ukraine, 49005


Department of general law disciplines


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How to Cite

Pryputen, D. (2018). Place of workplace law in the national legal system. ScienceRise: Juridical Science, (3 (5), 36–40.



Juridical Science