The methods of increasing quality and efficiency of influence of civil society institutions on the normal projecting of government authorities




normative design, legal monitoring, draft law, legislative act, civil society institutes, democracy


Importance is the definition of socially important tasks of social development, the solution of which should be oriented legal monitoring. According to the results of sociological surveys, a wide range of tasks can be identified such as: increasing the efficiency of the legal system and public administration; the development of a mechanism for feedback between public authorities, local self-government and citizens, the implementation of the constitutional duty of the state to respect and protect the rights and freedoms of man and citizen, etc.

At this stage, it is necessary to keep an account of all factors that have a positive effect on the development of rule-making. Advantage is given to the establishment of a system of independent expertise and consideration of public opinion. An example of the involvement of public associations and academic institutions is the work of international associations that monitor the observance of human rights. The absence of normative regulation in Ukraine of the issues of conducting state and public examination of the current legislative acts and draft normative legal acts is a problem that negatively affects the effectiveness of monitoring. In order to ensure that public opinion is taken into account when conducting a legal examination, it is necessary to improve the procedures for conducting public examinations. Legislation and enforcement monitoring is an instrument for the formation of a civil society, a form of dialogue between society and government.

The inclusion of civil society institutes in the process of legal monitoring optimizes the analysis, comparison and evaluation of the quality of legislation, enforcement through the prism of public needs and aspirations of civil society. Thus, it is possible to organize the interaction of institutes of state power and civil society in order to identify corruption factors and shortcomings of legislation on the basis of voluntary and independent participation in this activity.

The results of legal monitoring received as a result of the involvement of public associations and scientific institutions should become the basis for making changes to the work of state authorities, legislatures during strategic planning and identifying the priority directions of the country's development

Author Biography

Ihor Onyshchuk, Precarpathian Faculty of the National Academy of Internal Affairs Natsionalnoi Hvardii str., 3, Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine, 76005

Doctor of the Science of Law, Professor

Department of Social and Humanitarian Sciences


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How to Cite

Onyshchuk, I. (2018). The methods of increasing quality and efficiency of influence of civil society institutions on the normal projecting of government authorities. ScienceRise: Juridical Science, (4 (6), 9–15.



Juridical Science